Welcome to the website of the State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg
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What does the State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg do?
The State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg mint euro coins and medals in the cities of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.
There are a total of 5 minting companies in Germany.
The State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg is the largest minting company in Germany.
They produce almost half of all euro coins and use a very modern method to do so.
Our mints
The mint in Stuttgart was founded in 1374.
The mint in Karlsruhe was opened in 1827.
The two mints merged in 1998.
Together they produce almost half of the German Euro coins and medals.
There are 3 other mints in Germany: Berlin, Munich and Hamburg.
Each of the mints has its own letter as a recognition value.
The Stuttgart mint has the letter F.
The Karlsruhe mint has the letter G.
The Berlin Mint has the letter A.
The mint of Munich has the letter D.
The mint of Hamburg has the letter J.
The letter of the respective mint can be found on the euro coins.
The letter shows where the coin was produced.
The State Mint of Baden-Württemberg produces coins for the Federal Ministry of Finance.
The Federal Ministry of Finance is a ministry of the German federal government.
Finance is a difficult word for money.
The State Mint of Baden-Württemberg produces medals for various occasions such as birth and baptism.
For very many years it has been the custom to give coins or medals for birth.
They are considered as a sign of love and hope.
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At the top left you can see the logo of the State Mints of Baden-Württemberg. Click on the logo. Then you come back to the start page. The logo can be seen on every page.
If you click on the other words, sub-pages for the word will open.
Here you can see what the State Mint of Baden-Württemberg is doing.
B2B stands for “Business-to-Business“. It is about the exchange of service performance between 2 companies.
Here the State Coins of Baden-Wuerttemberg are presented.
Here you can order the medals.
Here you can see the news of the State Mint of Baden-Württemberg.
Job offers
Here you can see what jobs are available at the State Mint of Baden-Württemberg.
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